My porcelain art was in eleven issues, and on the cover of issue April-May-June 2016! So wished my original porcelain painting teacher was alive to that. She would've been so proud.
Shopping for dolls for my girls, I found the Doll Cottage. Judy Hayes owned the shop and knew me through her husband, and knew that I painted. She encouraged me to learn the art of porcelain doll painting. In 1994 I got a business license, “Summer Celeste Porcelain Art Studio. “ I became a doll artisan, and next thing I knew had dolls in her shop and was teaching the art of porcelain dolls as well to adults and had doll making weekly classes for kids in the summer. Along with that, I started supplying tile shops with hand painted tiles and custom ordered tile murals. Good thing, because I lost my “secretarial” job due to a down-sizing in bad economy. Low and behold, I am “An Artist” after all. “Funny how things work out the way they are supposed to”, I say with a broad smile on my face.
In 2021, the editor of the “Porcelain Artist” magazine, a publication of the International Porcelain Artist and Teachers, Inc. contacted me and asked if I would like to submit some of my porcelain paintings to them. Of course! The next issue July-August-September 2021 there was an article and several of my painting inside, but the best thing was I'M ON THE COVER! First time submitting and published with this magazine I felt honored and accomplished.